Submissions (currently closed)


I am primarily seeking commercial and upmarket fiction, ranging from middle grade to adult. I accept submissions from all ages/countries/abilities, as long as it is written in or translated into the English language.

Please use my submission form to submit.* This will ensure you receive a reply. Unfortunately my response will be a form letter. I currently receive in the range of 40-50 submissions a day. If I tried to respond personally to every query, I wouldn’t have time to do anything else! In that spirit, do not overthink “personalizing” the query to me. As long as the project falls in my wheelhouse, your submission will be considered. I can imagine how frustrating it would feel to spend time crafting your submission just for me, only to get a form reply a day later. Do your research on each agent you submit to, but do it to determine if they are the right fit for you, not because you are trying to please them.

Despite the amount, I do try to respond within a few weeks. If I’m hanging onto your submission longer than that, it means I’ve put it aside for further consideration. Those response times can take 6-8 months. I try not to keep anything longer than a year. I know this is a frustrating amount of time, read my post on why this happens here. Feel comfortable nudging me via your QueryTracker account if you are concerned yours slipped through the cracks. You can nudge every month if you need to, expect a “it’s in my tbr-pile!” response.

I am most keen to find layered and deeply satisfying upmarket fiction, bookclub fiction with light speculative elements, smart female detective stories, whimsical middle-grade, and young adult that explores identity and culture. For a detailed wishlist you can visit my MSWL profile.

I do not represent screenwriting or self-published work. I do represent the occasional picture book, but only with clients who primarily write in older age ranges, so please don’t submit picture books.

What I am seeking is constantly evolving, so if you’re not sure, query me!

If you have questions about the submission form, you can read further clarification here.

To submit click here.

I look forward to reading.

*All submissions sent to my email will be deleted unread. Feel free to resubmit using the correct submission form.