This season has been full of ups and downs in so many ways. And my heart has been broken once again by those in power. But the trees here in Northern California have been putting on a spectacular show this fall, lots of gorgeous reds and yellows, more deeply colorful than the years before, and I am reminded by them to breathe and find peace in the small moments of joy.

These past few weeks have also reminded me how important stories are; they tie us together, make us see and emphasize with other perspectives, and lift up voices that are often silenced. And filling my current desire to read about fierce ladies (well really, it’s a constant desire), check out this fucking awesome cover for my client C.L. Clark’s no-longer-a-secret project!

I have had a stunning amount of really good submissions since I opened in July. A total of four thousand queries have been sent, there are about fifty submissions that are under further consideration, and I have made one offer of representation so far. I will be shutting down to queries starting December 1st for the holidays and probably for most of the winter. I hope to answer all queries before the new year, whether it’s to ask for a full or pass. If I do ask for a full, I hope to answer those by the end of January, but I may not be able to consider it until the spring. Just hedging my bets here, I always think I’m going to be faster on fulls than I actually am. Having the space to take on a new client is never a guarantee, so much of it depends on where my current clients are at. There are so many really good submissions that I am forced to form pass on because to do otherwise would mean I wouldn’t ever find the time to do anything else. Thank you again to all of you amazing writers for your patience and grace. Cheers.
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